Saturday, August 18, 2007

"Don't be fooled by the rocks that I got" tagged here it goes

1. If you could have lunch with one person from High School and catch up on each other's lives....who would it be?
I would have to say my counselor because I never knew her while I went to school and I would just want her to know that she has at least one success story! By that I mean I didn't get somebody knocked up immediatley after graduation...It's a vegas high thing I guess

2. If someone handed you a gift card worth 10,000 dollars, what store would you want it to be for and what would you buy?
I would buy a one way ticket to Japan, and use the remaining money to work my way west until I eventually got home or ran out of money...and I'm assuming I'd run out of money cause the exchange rate is a bit lop sided these days (that damn Euro)!

3. What's a current trend that you just don't get?
Ladies...let me help you out here, the wearing of leg warmers with flip-flops and a skirt is just not working, and while I'm on the subject of the unnecessary wearing of winter clothes with skirts, please put your ugg boots away....forever.thanks

4. You're having a dinner party and you can invite 3 famous people dead or alive. Who would you invite?
This is a tuffy but I finally got it...Chuck Norris just in case somone tried to interrupt our dinner, Master Splinter because I think he has so much wisdom to share (Turtle Power!!!), and last but not least Princess Fiona before sunset (for obvious reasons!)

5. Where's the best place you've been on vacation....and what made it the best?
Although I agree with Jen Hawaii is the shizzle, nothing beats christmas break 2005. 9 cities, 7 states, and two coasts, with only $150 cash. My journey began in San Diego where I finished my last final and flew home to vegas for 3 days. Then returned back to SD where my roommate picked me up from the airport and we then drove straight to phoenix, was there for a bit and then hopped on a flight to upstate new york, while in route we had a lay over in detroit which was a trip to say the least. After arriving in NY we stayed with my roommates parents for a while, then drove down to Lancaster, PA for a night to visit a friend. The following morning we took a bus to the city for new years and hung out for a week. We hooked up with another friend there and stayed with him in brooklyn. Our friend had a family party in NJ the next day so we went with and met his family. after our stint in the big apple we took the bus back to PA to pick up the car and we drove back to upstate. We caught our flight back to phoenix where we then drove down to Tucson to see another friend, afetr that we decided to top it all off by going skydiving. Let me tell you it was an experience to travel with limited funds because the entire month we were gone we didn't stay in one hotel, and ate pizza and hot dogs the entire time.THE END.


Jen Rose said...

First of all - "Don't be fooled by the rocks that I got" is freaking hillarious. You guys kill me! Thanks for answering the questions - your vacation does kind of blow mine away. And I SO agree about UGG boots. Who said those were ever cute?

Mucho take it easy... said...

Oh ya- the Ugg boots killed me. Especially when your in San Diego or LA and its like 105 degrees out. You know their feet stank! What was even worse though was the wanna be's wearing the knock off Ugg boots!! Get over yourselves!

I loved your answers. Princess Fiona though? Honestly.

Amber said...

Those were great. Yeah that sounds like some vacation. And I love Princess Fiona...even after dark she's still a hottie!

Alissa Sosa said...
