Friday, July 25, 2008

Chillax People I'm Back!

-So I've been a little busy lately, excuse me for having 2 jobs while in pursuit of a master's degree sheesh!  Not to mention I have been morning the loss of our beloved LG whom my sister MURDERED while on her "visit" home hmm?  Coincidence? I think not, In my expert opinion I believe she did it on purpose, but the the jury is still out on that one.  Moving along... lets play a little catch up shall we?  Where did I leave off last time, oh yes my scars from previous V-day breakups! well no need to get into that.  Since that time I have been keeping busy by getting my teaching license, working at the Gap, and banging out classes for my MAT degree, also along the way I met a pretty cool chick whom I continue to pursue. Her name is Sarah and she recently moved to Washington State which would explain my being absent on a couple occasions.  If you have any questions just go ahead and make an appointment with my secretary and I might get back to you within 8-12 months.
-Seacrest out!


Cherine said...

Are you serious.... there were FOUR of us leaving that night because someone (Eric) had to eat In'N'Out. Not my fault you're exceptionally unobservant! I think you plotted the whole thing ( stupid animal style)!!!!

P.S Sarah is really pretty! So when do we get to meet her? Mick just sent his application's out and one he applied to UW! So maybe you'll be heading of there for more then one reason. Ha what am I talking about like you come up to visit us!

Cherine said...

Yes the jury is still out!!

Amber said...

Glad to see you are back!

Mucho take it easy... said...

She is WAY cool Cherine. You would like her a lot! Beauty & brains. And she isn't threatened when Eric borrows her pink clothing, so its a win-win situation. hahahahahaha

Mucho take it easy... said...

Oh, and as far as LG, I personally think she really isnt dead. I believe she is currently kickin' it with Biggie & TuPac.

Anonymous said...

Ok... so, how often do you fly on the gay plane??

Cherine said...


Cherine said...

Dude update!